Saturday, December 20, 2008

UNIARM.ORG new website lauched today

Please be informed that UNIARM blogspot has been upgraded to website:

We hope this will benefit many of our readers. However, will still be maintained as backup.

The website will have many new features for the readers such as :

  • Forum discussion
  • The articles are categoried for easy reference.
  • Added info on eyeball location, picture gallery etc.
  • Calender - updates on coming events.
  • PM- Private messages to members.
  • HAM resourses - information on how to become a HAM and about our hobby.
  • HAM license holder instant search at MCMC.
  • HAM hand print at "Alibaba" TTDI. Check out HAM hand prints at Alibaba restaurant 2004 to 2007 you will enjoy looking for your hand prints here. The wall has been taken down but the memory still remains and lives on. If your hand print is not here, you can check out your friend hand print here and those who have passed on. Have fun looking for them.!

Please register your callsign or SWL nickname to participate in our forum discussion. We hope this Forum will be a fun place for members to exchange ideas and knowledge for the development of our hobby. The Forum is still new as such there are only a few postings. We hope with your participation the UNIARMFORUM will be more active.
Thanks for your support in the past and hope we can have a better and improve website for HAMs in Malaysia.

UNIARM is for everyone!

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